Oh Dear! Midnight! And a Rhinoceros! It's it very pretty I can assure. Why you ask? Well, I've been thinking about Rhinoceros lately, during midnight if I can add, and let me tell you: It is lovely. It's very lovely, just like melting faces over another face, which is accentuating the meltdown of yet another face, over the horn of a rhinoceros, which was staring directly into the eyes of the first said face just before it started melting. It's as lovely as it is complex; lovely complexity dare I say. And just the other day I stumbled into a most curious man! Gil Pender I believe he was named! He was as a man from the future, just like me! He also resembled a Rhinoceros; he was the fountain of my tumbling thoughts about horned meltdowns, but I digress, back to the Rhinoceros.
I was asked to do a first person journal for a character from "Midnight in Paris" from Woody Allen, which is also remarkably incredible. I chose the fascinating Salvador Dali, which Gil encounters in a restaurant.
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